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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Will the Insanity Workout Break You?

It's a simple fact that everybody who begins to work out over estimates their capabilities. Practiced, professional athletes can gauge their levels of preparedness, while rank novices always think they are more advanced, knowledgeable and talented than they really are. The end result is injury, burn out, dejection, and scores of novices quitting before they're a couple of months in. Skeptical? Think of the New Year Resolvers, hitting the gyms right now as this article comes out. In a month most of them will have quit. The reason? Probably because they bit off more than they could chew. Insanity is an incredibly tough program. Are you making the same mistake by choosing to start this workout? Are you in for a world of hurt, pain, and ultimate defeat, or will you complete the 60 days and accomplish a total body transformation?

The Insanity workout is based on the concept of 'Max Interval Training', which translated into threshold training. This is not anaerobic training, since nobody can sustain true High Intensity Interval Training for more than six minutes, but rather a grueling, gruesome step just below that, where you force yourself to operate just below that line of complete exhaustion, and sustain your uttermost maximum for the duration of the workout, be it forty five minutes or an hour. Now listen up: this kind of intensity is BRUTAL. It will make you sweat a bucket, it will hurt. You will get dizzy, exhausted, nauseous. Read the reviews online-some people puke at the end of a workout. This is not a joke, this is not easy, this is not fun. So if you're going to attempt this workout, be honest. Be real. Are you prepared for this level of intensity? Not that you should never do it-but be prepared when you do.

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Say you're not an absolute rank novice who has never worked out in his life. Say you're in an intermediate stage, not an a professional athlete for sure, but rather more advanced than a beginner. Are you ready for Insanity? How can you tell? That's where the Insanity Fitness test comes in. It's a series of exercises and moves that you have to perform, as many of each as you can within one minute, with almost no breaks in-between. On the DVD, two members of Shaun T's Test Group perform the same fitness test, with the benefit of having finished the 60 day Insanity workout first. You get to compare your numbers to theirs, and see how you stack up.

But, I hear you say, the Insanity Fit Test is contained within the product itself, which you have to buy in order to take it. True. Remember, Insanity has a 30 day return policy, no questions asked. So if you want, buy it, take the test, and gauge for yourself if you're prepared. If not, send it back, and get your money back in turn. Or, failing that, search around online for details on the Fitness Test. The exercises are eight in number, and are: Switch Kicks, Squat Jacks, Power Knees, Power Jumps, Globe Jumps, Suicide Jumps, Push Up Jacks, and Low Plank Obliques. Find a YouTube video or go to a review site that explains how to do them, and then do precisely that. Take the Fit Test at home, and see how you do. One minute each, eight minutes total. Eight minutes and you'll know whether you're ready for Insanity.

Will the Insanity Workout Break You?

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