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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Will the Insanity Workout Break You?

It's a simple fact that everybody who begins to work out over estimates their capabilities. Practiced, professional athletes can gauge their levels of preparedness, while rank novices always think they are more advanced, knowledgeable and talented than they really are. The end result is injury, burn out, dejection, and scores of novices quitting before they're a couple of months in. Skeptical? Think of the New Year Resolvers, hitting the gyms right now as this article comes out. In a month most of them will have quit. The reason? Probably because they bit off more than they could chew. Insanity is an incredibly tough program. Are you making the same mistake by choosing to start this workout? Are you in for a world of hurt, pain, and ultimate defeat, or will you complete the 60 days and accomplish a total body transformation?

The Insanity workout is based on the concept of 'Max Interval Training', which translated into threshold training. This is not anaerobic training, since nobody can sustain true High Intensity Interval Training for more than six minutes, but rather a grueling, gruesome step just below that, where you force yourself to operate just below that line of complete exhaustion, and sustain your uttermost maximum for the duration of the workout, be it forty five minutes or an hour. Now listen up: this kind of intensity is BRUTAL. It will make you sweat a bucket, it will hurt. You will get dizzy, exhausted, nauseous. Read the reviews online-some people puke at the end of a workout. This is not a joke, this is not easy, this is not fun. So if you're going to attempt this workout, be honest. Be real. Are you prepared for this level of intensity? Not that you should never do it-but be prepared when you do.

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Say you're not an absolute rank novice who has never worked out in his life. Say you're in an intermediate stage, not an a professional athlete for sure, but rather more advanced than a beginner. Are you ready for Insanity? How can you tell? That's where the Insanity Fitness test comes in. It's a series of exercises and moves that you have to perform, as many of each as you can within one minute, with almost no breaks in-between. On the DVD, two members of Shaun T's Test Group perform the same fitness test, with the benefit of having finished the 60 day Insanity workout first. You get to compare your numbers to theirs, and see how you stack up.

But, I hear you say, the Insanity Fit Test is contained within the product itself, which you have to buy in order to take it. True. Remember, Insanity has a 30 day return policy, no questions asked. So if you want, buy it, take the test, and gauge for yourself if you're prepared. If not, send it back, and get your money back in turn. Or, failing that, search around online for details on the Fitness Test. The exercises are eight in number, and are: Switch Kicks, Squat Jacks, Power Knees, Power Jumps, Globe Jumps, Suicide Jumps, Push Up Jacks, and Low Plank Obliques. Find a YouTube video or go to a review site that explains how to do them, and then do precisely that. Take the Fit Test at home, and see how you do. One minute each, eight minutes total. Eight minutes and you'll know whether you're ready for Insanity.

Will the Insanity Workout Break You?

tree blue

Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Great Six Pack Abs Diet

You do not have to go on a strict fad diet to be able to see your abs. Instead just follow these guidelines to create an effective eating regimen for yourself.

1) Eat more. Remember you are trying to build some muscle around your stomach while burning fat. Avoid starving yourself and make sure you stay full all day without overdoing it. It is all about balance.

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2) Eat healthy natural foods most of the time. Try to eat unprocessed foods at least 90% of the time. Some great choices are lean meats, nuts, beans, fruits, and vegetables. These are the kinds of foods that really promote fat loss.

3) Eat junk food sometimes. You can have about 3 cheat meals a week but make sure they are no bigger than your regular meals. They can be whatever you want. Eating pure crap sometimes really helps with fat loss. So you can indulge without feeling guilty.

4) Eat 5-6 small meals a day. Try to eat about every 3 hours. By doing this you will feel full and energized all day. Your belly fat will shrink and you will fuel your body up for workouts.

5) Eat protein with each meal. Having a source of protein like cottage cheese, chicken, salmon, or milk is important if you are trying build muscle since protein is the building blocks for muscle.

6) Limit carbs. Starchy carbs like bread, pasta, and oatmeal should only be consumed after a workout. Eat fruits and vegetables with each meal to get more carbs for energy. Fruits and vegetables are not loaded with calories like starchy carbs are but they provide your body with plenty of carbs.

7) Have healthy fats with each meal. Some great choices are peanut butter, olive oil, and salmon. Healthy fats help your body burn more fat. Just make sure to avoid trans fat from foods that are fried and processed. Saturated fat should be limited to about 10% when reading the food labels.

8) Drink water. Instead of having drinks loaded with calories like juice, soda, and alcohol drink water and tea which have no calories but help wash away your gut.

An example of a clean diet.

You do not have to worry about calories or portion sizes too much. What is important is that you fill up on natural foods like the kinds mentioned above.

Breakfast - An omelet with spinach and tomatoes cooked in olive oil with an orange on the side. Mid-morning snack - Smoothie made up of milk, frozen fruit, almonds, and some whey protein. Lunch - A banana with spoonful of natural peanut butter and a cup of green tea. Afternoon snack after workout - A bowl of oatmeal with milk, cinnamon, and an apple. Dinner - Salmon cooked in olive oil with asparagus. Night snack - Cottage cheese and red grapes

A Great Six Pack Abs Diet

Christmas Story Nightlight buyLightingChristmas

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Many Types of Coffee Pots

The definition of a coffee pot is a vessel used to brew or make coffee. These come in many different styles and offer various ways to produce the desired brew.

Drip Maker

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The most widely used coffee pot today is the drip maker. These work by placing coffee in a filter and placing it inside of the container which holds water. The water is heated and pumped through the coffee where it then drips into the pot below. Water temperature is controlled internally to maintain a temperature just below boiling. Boiling coffee tends to produce a bitter taste which is undesirable to most people. These drip pots come with many features which include clocks, alarms, and delayed timers. Most offer the benefit of setting the timer to go off about the time you usually get up in the morning. It is very pleasing to wake up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee.


Another popular type coffee pot is the percolator. Percolators work by pumping water into the container holding the coffee until the desired result is achieved. The coffee stays in the same container in which it is brewed. A basket keeps the dry coffee from being deposited into the coffee container. Percolators were popular in the 1970s and 80s before the drip maker became the coffee maker of choice. Percolators are still used today to produce large quantities of coffee since the drip maker usually has a limit of twelve cups.


Many people still enjoy the tradition of vacuum coffee pots because the pots offer interesting shapes and designs. These pots work on the theory that steam creates a vacuum which draws the water and steam through the coffee grounds without distributing the grounds throughout the coffee. The process is similar to the percolator with the exception of the repeated pumping action required of the percolator.

Coffee Pot Safety

There were times when coffee pots were made with long cords which would reach from a good distance across the room. This became a hazard to children who were playing on the floor. Many young children were burned when they pulled the pot off in the floor and the coffee splashed on them. Today coffee pots usually come with a short cord that will only allow you to use it close to an electrical outlet. It is important that you not use an extension cord since this could allow small children to get hurt.

It is also important that your home coffee pot be equipped with a timer that will automatically shut off after a certain period of time, usually two hours. This could prevent a fire if you forget to turn the pot off before you leave the house. This feature can give you peace of mind when you remember half way through your day that you left the coffee pot on.

The Many Types of Coffee Pots

How Much is a Washington 1964 Silver Quarter Worth in Dollars?

The US Washington 1964 Silver quarter coin was minted before 1965. The 1964 Silver Quarter, Roosevelt dime, Kennedy half and Peace Dollar coins, all these contain 90% silver. Yet, sadly the Peace dollar does not exist any more because they were sent back for melt down before they hit the streets. But that's a story for another day. The nickel has about 35% silver content and the penny was most often copper.

People will invest in silver and gold bullion when they are in times of economic trouble like butter on bread as a hedge to fight against inflation. The price of a 1 oz silver bullion eagle will cost you about 20 - 30 dollars at today's prices. These silver bullion coins might be out of your price range.

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This is where the minted 1964 and before, could be a good alternative to the full 1 oz bullion coins and bars. The value and worth of these silver quarter coins can be bought for about .50 - a piece at today's prices. The price will vary with the spot price, as we head into 2010. The silver quarters are generally lower priced than bullion coins, and are fractionally smaller making them more affordable.

It is getting harder by the day to find 1964 silver quarter coin, dime, half dollar, and dollar coins in circulation today. People like myself search for these silver coins. The automatic sorting machines suck out the rest of the silver, even nickel coins get sucked up and melted for profitable gains. Yet still it should not stop one from looking for them little gems. I can spot them pretty fast now that I have looked for the silver coins for years. At this time, I do pick up the odd silver coin but because I live in Canada it is a little easier to find a Canadian pre 1968 than it would be to find a 1964 quarter and older coin. It can be fun to spot and find a silver coin, from change because the tiller did not know that they just gave you 3 dollars in change instead of 25 cents.

Pre-1964 silver quarter coins are collectible and somewhat still cheap.

How Much is a Washington 1964 Silver Quarter Worth in Dollars?

Cooking Utensils Christmas Story Nightlight

Thursday, April 19, 2012

How Long Does a Turkey Breast Take to Cook?

Turkey is a dish most people ignore until around the time of thanksgiving, but it is actually a tasty, and healthy meat that can be enjoyed at any time of the year. Turkey is ideal for sandwiches, stir frys, salads, and lots of other dishes, and is a good alternative to chicken when you fancy a change, but want to stick with white meats.

The cooking time of a turkey breast depends mostly on its size - bigger portions of meat take longer to cook. Other factors that affect the cooking time include the ratio of meat to bone, and whether or not you are trying to cook from frozen. Another thing to consider is the kind of marinade used, and the cooking method that you plan to use.

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What Internal Temperature?

There is no shortage of experienced cooks and top-notch cookbooks that give you their best guesstimate for the ideal turkey breast cooking time. Usually, they will explain that is depends on the size of the piece. However, the best way of getting the roasting done just right is to buy a cooking thermometer and use it to check the turkey regularly to see if the internal temperature has reached 170 degrees Fahrenheit. As soon as the cooking thermometer register 170 degrees, not only is your turkey safe to eat, it is also deliciously moist and tender. There are different methods that you can use to cook turkey, and you have a choice in the pan to use too, but shallow roasting pans are the best bet for cooking turkey breast every time.

Usually turkey breast is served without stuffing, however some people prefer to stuff bigger portions. An 8 pound portion is ideal for stuffing with some of your favorite herbs and spices. Usually for a 2 or 3 pound turkey people cook them for 1 and a half to two hours at 325 degrees Fahrenheit, with 4 to 6 pound breasts taking 2 and a half to three hours, and an 8 pound portion taking 3 and a half hours.

An Easy Recipe

Turkey breasts can easily become a staple of your diet, and you need not get bored of them if you add a little zing to the recipe - a citrus turkey breast sandwich is a great snack for example. Just add some jalapeno paste, lime juice, orange juice, garlic, and onion paste to a marinade - roast the breast, and shred or slice before adding to sandwiches for a healthy and tasty lunch option.

How Long Does a Turkey Breast Take to Cook?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

How To Make French Toast In Five Minutes Or Less

Need a quick, easy, and delicious recipe to satisfy your family's hunger? French toast is one of the simplest dishes to make that also requires very little preparation time. Here is a step by step guide to making French Toast in five minutes or less.

Gather Ingredients - 30 Seconds

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While you are gathering your ingredients, preheat a 10 or 12 inch skillet over medium heat so it is ready when you're ready to begin cooking. Don't worry about spraying the pan with cooking spray or adding butter to it, the egg will provide enough coating for the heating surface.

The first thing you need to do is gather up your ingredients. For this recipe we're going to keep it super simple.

All you need is your bread which can be any kind of bread that you prefer. We suggest a nice whole grain bread since it provides loads of nutrients and is healthier than starch filled white breads.

Next, you'll need 4 to 6 jumbo eggs. You can use or more or less eggs depending on how many people you expect to be serving. Typically you want to plan on having 2 eggs per person. This will provide you with enough egg batter for 1 to 2 pieces of French Toast per person.

Finally, add the cinnamon to your ingredients. You'll want to sprinkle enough cinnamon into the egg batter to cover the top with a thin layer. You'll eventually mix it all together, but this gives you a good visual representation of how much cinnamon you are going to use.

Mix Egg Batter - 30 Seconds

Once you have the ingredients gathered up, then the next step will be to beat the eggs and add cinnamon to the batter. You can use a fork, wire whisk, hand mixer, or any other common kitchen tool or appliance to beat the eggs into a smooth and consistent batter.

When the eggs have been beaten and the consistency of the batter is where you prefer it, then you can add the cinnamon. Sprinkle enough cinnamon into the batter so that the entire surface of the mixture is covered with a thin layer of cinnamon seasoning. Add more if you prefer to have a stronger cinnamon taste. You can add less if you prefer not to have as much.

Cook The French Toast - 3 to 4 Minutes

The final step of the process is the step that takes the longest, which involves cooking the French Toast to your liking. Take one piece of bread and lay it flat into the batter. Dip it into the batter once or twice with a fork or other kitchen utensil, then flip it over and repeat this step for the other side of the piece of bread. When you are confident the bread is coated with enough egg batter, place it in the pan and cook on each side for roughly one minute.

Repeat this step for each piece of bread that you plan on using. You can cook multiple pieces of bread at once in order to save time. When your French Toast is complete, serve with maple syrup, sugar, whip cream, or whatever topping that you would like. Enjoy!

How To Make French Toast In Five Minutes Or Less

Christmas Story Nightlight

How Many Calories to Lose Weight?

Calorie is the measure of energy in a food. Scientifically, one calorie is that amount of energy that is needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree centigrade.

The calorie needs of different people are different. The calories that are derived from our food are needed for the functioning of one's body to keep us living, and for doing other activities.

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Sixty to sixty five percent of the calories one consume are expended for carrying out body functions such as breathing, digesting, blood purification, heart beating, maintaining body temperature, etc. Another ten percent is expended in processing the food that is consumed.

A minimum of 1200 calories per day is required to just keep you living. A lower calorie intake than that will decrease your iron level and lower down your metabolism.

Different people Different calorie needs

Many factors such as one's age, size, gender, weight, height, activity level and the climatic condition of the surrounding environment determines the calorie needs of an individual.

The smaller body size and the warm environmental temperatures make the calorie requirement of those living in tropical climatic conditions lower than that of the same age group of people living in temperate regions.

Similarly, age also has a vital role in determining your calorie needs. A person in his or her mid twenties will have the peak calorie needs of 2300 calories per day. A gradual declination in this amount occurs as your age increases. This decrease in the calorie needs with increasing age is partly accounted to increase in fat accumulation.

Next is the gender factor. Generally men need five to ten percent more calories than women. This is because men have greater percentage of lean muscles in their body. However, pregnant and lactating women need about 300 to 500 more calories each day than what they usually need.

Physical activity is another important factor determining calorie needs of individuals. A person, whose work involves more physical labour, will have higher calorie needs than another who leads of his same age leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Calorie contents of different types of food.

Various kinds of nutrients provide different amounts of calories. Approximately, carbohydrates and proteins contain about four calories per gram of their weight. There are about nine calories in a gram dietary fat, and around seven calories in a gram of alcohol. This obviously shows that a reduction in the intake of foods containing more fat and drinks that are alcoholic will reduce your calorie intake.

Dieting however doesn't mean only consuming low calorie foods. Your diet should also be nutritious on the other hand. A nutritious diet plan will aid in weight loss through various ways.

The first and the foremost way is through your metabolism. Metabolism is the term used to refer the way your body processes and uses the food that you eat. There are a number of minerals and vitamins needed to maintain the efficiency of your metabolism. A proper metabolism will be hampered if your body lacks any of these minerals and vitamins. This will in turn affect your weight loss pattern adversely.

Secondly, a lack in proper nutrition will create problems in digestion. The food that you eat will not be digested and assimilated properly. The digestive system needs nutrition like minerals and vitamins. Besides, it also requires dietary fibre. The gastro intestinal tract, also known as the GI tract is benefitted if your intake of dietary fibre is plenty, as this helps to clean up the tract, and prevent constipation and indigestion related complaints like IBS and diverticulosis.

Here are some other types of food that are related to weight loss and gain.

Empty calorie foods: Empty calorie foods are the worst kind of foods from the nutritional and calorie point of view. These are those drinks and foods that add many calories to your diet, with a little or no nutrition at all. They provide no vitamins, minerals or disease fighting phytochemicals to your body compared to the calories they add. People who are overweight or obese or those who are trying to lose their body weight should avoid empty calorie foods. Energy drinks, carbonated beverages, sweets, regular sodas, soft drinks, candies, etc.

Calorie dense foods: Foods high in fat calories and foods high in both fat and sugar come under the category of calorie dense foods. They include sausages, butter, mayonnaise, full fat cheese, white flour muffins, certain types of commercial popcorn, rich bread snacks, candies, etc. Calorie dense foods are usually processed foods. They are not recommended for those anticipating to lose their weight.

Negative calorie foods: Negative calorie foods are those foods that burn more calories for their processing than what they actually contain. The calories that these foods contain pose much resistance and your system has to apply much energy to break them down. This provides these foods with a natural and ample fat burning ability. Consume these foods in order to lose weight fast. Asparagus, celery, lettuce, onions, papayas, spinach, turnip, cucumbers, chili peppers, green cabbage, broccoli, carrots, beets, mangoes, cauliflower, garlic, zucchini, pineapple, oranges, raspberries, strawberries, grapefruit, cranberries, lemons, apples, tangerines, etc are negative calorie foods.

Fat burning foods: There are certain foods that help you in many different ways each in burning down your body fat fast. Examples of such kind of foods are avocados, olives, green tea, ice cold water, chillies, spinach, eggs, baby potatoes, sweet potatoes, cinnamon, almonds, seeded breads, oily fishes, oat meal, whole wheat pasta, beans, pulses, etc.

In order to have the best kind of weight loss through calorie control, include all groups of foods in your daily diet. Include even fats, but the right kind of fats like the poly unsaturated and monounsaturated foods. Aim to lose not more than 2 pounds of your body fat per week. Don't cause a complete calorie control that is relied entirely on your diet. Burn about fifty percent of the calories that you want to cut from your daily intake through exercises. Exercises will not only help you lose weight, but also shape and tone you up!

How Many Calories to Lose Weight?


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